Android vs iOS – Which Platform is better for App Development in 2024

Today, everyone seems to always be on their phone: whatever we need to do, there’s a handy app to assist us. So, mobile app development is a market that mustn’t be underestimated. If you’re a programmer and you’re thinking about getting into mobile dev, the first question that comes to mind is: iOS or Android?

Well, both of these platforms have their advantages and disadvantages, so the question doesn’t have a simple answer. Still, we will try to give you a detailed overview, so you can make a more informed decision.

So without further ado, let’s get into it!

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The code used

Android apps are mostly developed in Java, while iOS apps are developed in Swift. Now, your choice will depend on your personal preference, but you should know that Swift is generally easier to master, and it takes less work to develop in it. Still, some people still prefer coding in Java, and if you already have experience in it, it might be easier to start with the Android platform.

Also, you should know that Android is completely open-source, so it might take more time to optimize your app for different devices. Developing on iOS will definitely be much faster and less expensive, but you’ll probably wait a bit longer to get your app approved on the Apple Store.

Whatever you do, make sure to check the programming language first, so you’ll know if it fits your personal programming style.

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The market

Who are you building this app for? Who is your audience? While you’re a developer, not a businessman, if you want to be successful, you have to think like an entrepreneur. Knowing your audience will help you choose a platform more easily, since generally speaking, there are some differences between Apple and Android users.

First of all, consider the geographical position of the targeted app users. In the western world, and especially North America, most people prefer iOs over Android. In the other parts of the world, mostly developing countries, Androids are simply more accessible. So, even if you’re trying to go worldwide, it’s better to target a specific market at first, and then, later on, you can expand to the other platforms.

Secondly, make sure to research the demographics of app users on both platforms. Statistical research shows that iOs users are generally younger and have higher incomes and education, while Android users are much more likely to be in the IT business. All of these can help you target a specific market and become successful much faster.

Lastly, you have to know that iOs users are more likely to make in-app purchases, so make sure to include this fact in your monetization strategy.

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The costs of development

Developing a fully functional app may end up being pretty expensive, no matter which platform you use. So, this will completely depend on the complexity of the app. More complex apps require more resources to create. While you’ll see some people claim that one is cheaper than the other, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. The only thing that impacts the cost of development is the complexity and scope of the project. Of course, before you decide to take on the project, make sure to calculate every single cost and your potential revenue. For the project to be successful, you’ll have to know that it’s going to be profitable. This will also impact your monetization strategy and, ultimately, your choice of the platform.

Other than that, the App Store has its annual fee of 99$ for publishing the app, while the Android Play Store has a one-time 25$ registration fee. Of course, these are just short-term investments, so while it’s important to know it, it shouldn’t be what drives you to make the decision.

Finally, getting someone else to develop your idea for you might be the cheapest option. Of course, make sure to pick a reliable company like theĀ, always check their portfolio, so you know you’re dealing with experienced and capable developers.

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Your monetization strategy

The process of monetization is different for both platforms, not because the systems are different, but because of their individual userbases. As we previously mentioned, iOs users are more likely to make in-app purchases, while on Android, add revenue is the best way to make profits. So, your choice of platform will definitely depend on your monetization strategy. Other than that, the App Store is currently more profitable, but in the long run, experts believe the Google Play Store will soon surpass it. Make sure to research these trends before you launch your app! It’s crucial for making a long-term plan and achieving your goals!

So, make sure to do your research and plan out your monetization strategy in detail. If you’re planning on generating revenue through subscriptions and in-app payments, then iOs is the way to go. On the other hand, if you’re going to use ads to achieve your monetary goals, you should always opt for Android.

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iOs users are more likely to keep their operating systems up to date. This means that app maintenance on iOs will be much easier to handle. Optimizing the app takes a lot of testing and a lot of time. So, if you’re worried about keeping your app compatible with the platform, iOs is your best bet.

Still, this will also depend on the complexity of your app. If your app is simple and if it doesn’t require regular updates and fixes to be kept functional, then Android isn’t a bad choice either.

At the end of the day, your choice will depend on your specific needs and preferences. So, make sure to plan everything out and make a priority list. Once you set your expectations, it will be much easier to make a choice.

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Other options

Depending on your needs, you might want to consider building a web-app instead. Web apps are much cheaper, easier to maintain, and they can be used on a wide range of devices.

Still, web-apps aren’t a great option for everyone. They’re less intuitive and less profitable than the native apps, and they have a smaller market.

All in all, your decision will depend on your business needs and your long-term goals. There’s no better or worse option, there are just options that fit your needs and those that don’t!