When we talk about buying a car, many of us first think about getting in a salon, consulting with the sales agent, and leaving with your brand new vehicle with a great big smile on your face. But, let’s have a small reality call. Many people today can’t afford to buy a new car, and they are looking for a used one that was nicely maintained by the previous owners. Buying a used vehicle means that you need to plan some money to fix all the possible issues it may have, and adapt it to your preferences.
This article’s title may seem controversial because most of the time, we recommend you not to buy used things, especially if the seller is not trusted. Today, we have a different approach, and following the usedpart.us, we will try to detect the car parts that you don’t need to buy new and save money for bigger things. Of course, finding an old part seems like a great challenge, and a lot of junk, until you find a saved part and can be used again.
So, let’s see what you can buy used, without having to worry (a lot) that something terrible will happen:
Air conditioning and heating/cooling system

On websites that sell used parts, you can find these systems, and you need to find the right seller who is offering the right product. This doesn’t mean that you necessarily need to buy these parts old, but it’s worth giving an effort if you can. After you buy it, you only need to clean the whole system carefully and find a professional who will help you install it in the car.
Some physical body parts

When accidents happen, some car’s physical features are damaged and should be replaced because it’s impossible to be fixed. If you have an old car, sometimes new parts can be pretty expensive and not worth investing in, and that’s the moment when you have to look for used ones.
Handles and seats

If you are lucky enough, you can find chairs that are well maintained, and nicely kept clean, and in good condition. Also, the handles above the window can be replaced with used ones, if they break. Generally, we can say that you can remodel your vehicle’s interior using only used parts and some things on the shell. Maybe it will need a little re-painting after that, but sure it’s a more affordable solution than buying new parts.

There is nothing wrong and harmful in buying old and used mirrors because they can’t put anyone at risk, both the driver and the other people inside the vehicle.
Since there are not many car parts we can mention in this article, we must say that sometimes you will be able to buy electrical systems, engine parts, fuel systems, and electronics also used, but in this case, you must be very careful. Try not to fall on scavengers and people who try to make money on their garbage. Use only trusted stores and websites to buy these vehicle parts, so you can be sure nothing wrong will happen due to bad mechanics.
And now, let’s see which vehicle parts you should never buy old:
- Tires: Old and used tires are increasing the risks of car accidents because they may be cracked, and you won’t be able to detect that. Maybe you can find a great seller who will sell his/her used tires for a great price and in excellent condition, but they may not be aware of those cracks that can be a reason for car accidents.
- Motor parts: Cheap parts are not quality enough, and can also be damaged, even though you can’t see that. You won’t save too much if you need to replace these parts every few months, and of course, the risk is not worth it.
- Shocks: They have a limited “life,” and you can’t know how many miles/kilometers the previous owner passed before they decided to sell them.
- Seals: They are a crucial part of your engine, and buying old ones increases the risk of motor damages. On the other hand, they are not expensive to buy new, so we can openly say that buying used seals is not worth the risk – and the risk, in this case, is huge.
- Struts: You need to replace them regularly, so buying used struts is a little bizarre.

Suppose we need to give a general opinion regarding all types of vehicles, primarily cars. In that case, we must say that buying a new car is a considerable investment and that if you try to save some money, you can always go for used ones. Previous owners usually maintain them well, and there is no problem to believe they are selling the right product that doesn’t have some hidden damages. So, when we talk about used or new parts, we can say that you can buy a whole car already used and pay additional money for maintenance and fixtures. That will cost much less than buying separate parts to fix your old vehicle or a new car to replace it.
As a buyer, you must be very careful and avoid the risks that may come with buying used products, no matter their type or origin. Every old product is already somehow damaged because of everyday usage, and you must be aware of that. If you are looking for a store or salon-quality, you need to go to the store and buy a completely new product without worrying about the potential previous damages.
According to this, we can conclude that it’s better to buy the non-mechanical part used and have them installed later. Mechanical and electronic parts should often be purchased new, mainly because they come with a limited warranty. Some expensive regions to buy new, but have affordable prices even after a day of use, like alternators, you can buy for a lower price, but you should always check them first before you proceed to install them in your car.