Search engine optimization or SEO is complicated. There are various aspects to consider. The goal is to rank higher on search engine rankings. Getting to the top takes a lot of effort. The good thing is that when the website manages to make it high on the ranking, it will increase the possibility of people viewing the page. Some of them might even decide to purchase the products and services available.
Different factors affect how Google ranks websites based on the keywords. Hence, focusing on the technical SEO side of the process is essential. It increases the chances of the website to be more visible online. The help extended by Las Vegas SEO like Thrive Agency will make the job easier.
Understanding the qualities of a technically optimized website is necessary for this endeavor. Once Google recognizes that the website is focused on SEO’s technical aspects, there’s a better chance of moving higher in rankings.
Recently, Durham has seen a surge in the number of businesses seeking out SEO services.
Whether you are looking for a Durham SEO expert to help you move up in the rankings or you need help with website design or content creation, Durham is the perfect place to find the right professionals.Start using WebSwiggy to help you rank higher.

Fast loading website
The first quality of a technically optimized website is that it loads quickly. Google rewards website that opens fast. Most people are impatient, and they don’t want to wait for a long time before opening a website. The average speed should be about two seconds. If it goes beyond that, some people will close the website and look for other options. The basic role of a search engine is to provide you service with what they’re looking for. If the website doesn’t even load fast, users won’t find the information they want. Hence, slow websites might get pushed down in the ranking.
Easy to crawl and analyze
Google uses algorithms that will help in ranking the websites. There are millions of websites all over the Internet, and thousands of them might compete for the same keywords. Therefore, the website needs to be easy to crawl and analyze. Algorithms work like spiders that tend to connect different pages and determine which of them deserve to be higher on the search engine rankings. Therefore, it helps if the website is easy to crawl.
The robots meta-tag is essential in this regard. It’s a piece of code that is invisible to ordinary users. Robots employed by Google will read this section when looking for the page. When it finds the information needed, it will help boost the pages’ rankings. There are also ways to guide the robots in finding the necessary page and hide the others.
No dead links
Dead links are terrible. No one wishes to visit a page with a dead link. It’s a waste of time and effort. Search engines feel the same way. It will most likely pull down the ranking of websites with dead links. The good thing is that there are tools available to determine if there are existing links that don’t work. It’s crucial to have them removed as soon as possible. There’s still time to avoid the penalty of search engines for having these links.

No duplicate content
Another quality of a technically optimized website is that there’s no duplicate content. It might be easy to overlook the pages that contain the same information. Articles that already got previously published might also appear somewhere else on the website. It’s important to remove them right away. Google penalizes duplicate content. It confuses the algorithms and makes it more challenging to rank the pages.
Secure website
A website filled with security threats is terrible. Malware and viruses can place users at risk. It’s possible to steal crucial information and user identity if the website like security protocols. It’s a big no for search engines. Websites found to have security issues will immediately get pushed down the ranking. Again, the priority of Google is to provide users with what they deserve. If the page places the users’ security at risk, Google won’t recommend it.
There should be an XML site map
The XML site map refers to the list of pages on the website. It serves as the roadmap for the search engines when visiting the website. It ensures that the algorithms wouldn’t miss important content on the site. The site map has different categories, including posts, pages, tags, and images. It’s a detailed list that will make it easier to rank the website.
There’s a structured data
Another crucial element of a technically optimized website is that it has structured data. It’s crucial in helping search engines understand the website and its content better. It also gives the algorithms a better glimpse of what the business is about and what kinds of products are available.

It’s mobile-friendly
Most people use their mobile devices when looking for information online. Back then, it was difficult since there is limited access to the Internet on mobile phones. However, with the availability of quick Internet through mobile devices, most people use their phones for any transaction. It means that websites that don’t load quickly on mobile devices will most likely go down the ranking. Google made it clear that it considers the speed of opening the website on a mobile device in ranking the page. Therefore, it’s important to find another host to improve the loading speed.
Organized URL structure
The URL structure needs to be clear. It shouldn’t contain complicated numbers and letters, unlike before. It’s crucial to rename the URL to make it easier to understand and copy.
SEO agencies would be of huge help
Understanding the technical aspect of search engine optimization can be exhausting. The good thing is that with the help of Las Vegas SEO experts, the job becomes easier. These agencies know how the process works. They also have different tricks to technically optimize the website. After working with previous clients, they can use the right strategy to boost the page in the rankings.
Look for the right SEO agency that has a good reputation in the industry. There are positive reviews available online. Previous clients are also willing to recommend the services offered by the agency. It would be great to start with a trial run and see where it goes. If the partnership worked well, it could continue.