Building a home is a form of art, don’t you agree? In fact, we believe that it is much more than that. Just think about, what starts as some sort of artificial project turns into something where people will live with their families. When the project comes to fruition, then you can see all the results we’re talking about.
Naturally, don’t make the mistake of believing that doing something like this is easy by any means. It is a process that needs to be conducted carefully, by paying the attention to even the smallest of details. Thankfully, projecting how these homes will look is done by using certain software.
For anyone to be competent enough to use this sort of software, you need to have an understanding of terms like scale and proportion. If you want to learn more about both of those, then you should take a look at Now, we want to provide you with tips on how to use scale and proportion in interior design.
Without further ado, let’s check them out.
1. Purchasing the Right Furniture

The first thing we want to emphasize is purchasing the right furniture. You need to think about all the pieces, how they will be used, who will use them, and where their place will be. Sure, the most important aspect is your personal needs and preferences, but be prepared to make some compromises.
They are also important for scaling and proportion since they will determine where the walking space will be. By doing that, you will make a proper decision on all the relevant parts of the space and how to make the most out of the space as a whole. So, make sure you pay attention to buying the right pieces.
2. Size Up Wallpaper Motifs

The next aspect we want to point out is sizing up the wallpaper motifs. We cannot stress how important it is to pay attention to this element, not just for the aesthetics, but also for the scaling and proportioning. When it comes to aesthetics, it all revolves around the impact you want to make.
That’s why you should choose the color scheme carefully. If you want our advice, we would recommend you to use color patterns that are both bold and relaxing. That way you can make a great impact. At the same time, you will have a much better understanding of the space.
3. Implement Golden Ratio

One of the most interesting elements that require your attention is known as the golden ratio. What doesn’t this mean? Well, the golden ratio is 1:618. We are talking about a ratio that can be found in practically everything around us. For instance, you cannot describe the proportions of the human body without it.
It is important to consider this since the objects that contain this ratio are more aesthetically pleasing than others. That’s why interior designers pay attention to it and include it in all the projects they work at. It is especially helpful when someone designs a room’s layout.
The process of finding this balance consists of dividing the space into two parts. The first one takes up to two-thirds of the space, and the second one takes one-third. The bigger one is where all the pieces of furniture will be placed in. What you will place in the second one is usually up to the designer or customer.
4. Repeat Patterns and Shapes

By repeating certain shapes and patterns, you are bound to make the setting pleasing for the eye of the observer. It’s because, that way, you can achieve a great balance with the proportions inside the space. You can do that by using a couple of patterns and repeating them one or two times to create an effect.
One way to achieve this is to repeat the shapes. For instance, if you have round windows, you should find a rug that complements this shape completely. By implementing a couple of these patterns inside one space, you can tie all of them into one, big pattern that encompasses the whole space.
5. Scale-up Lighting

Having proper lighting inside the room is something that catches the attention of the observer instantly. However, finding the right balance between proper and improper lighting can be quite thin. So, you need to pay extra attention to it. Because, if you overdo it, it cannot provide the best results.
Interior design experts refer to the proper lighting as a wow effect. On the other hand, we believe that furniture needs to play a crucial role in determining the right amount of light.
For instance, look for tables that can add a little bit of lighting through reflection. Of course, you need to find a proper place for it.
6. Negative Space

The final tip we want to present you with is committing enough negative space. For those who don’t know what empty space means, we are talking about the space, which is a part of the interior, where you don’t have any pieces of furniture. In most cases, this is a walking space, but it’s not always like that.
For example, negative space can be the space between different pictures you have on the wall. The percentage of negative space is determined by the size of the room. Having too many pictures on the wall will not have a positive effect on the scale and proportion of the room. Also, it will not be appeasing to the observer.
The Bottom Line
Interior design is a useful craft to have. People who are competent and educated in this regard can help numerous people out there to create the best possible home for themselves. For them to be competent, they need to understand the principles of scale and proportion.
Homes are not just a roof over our head, it is a place where we spend a lot of free time and there’s no reason why we shouldn’t enjoy them as much as possible. Here, you can see a couple of tips on how to achieve the best possible scale and proportion in interior design.