Aside from the obvious purpose of providing your car with a safe place to reside in, a garage can be a multi-functional den. We’ve all heard of great rock bands that started practising in their garages or a multi-billion dollar companies being started from one, so it’s safe to say you can use it in more ways than one. With that being said, it’s important to use that space wisely.
Sure, if you don’t have a shed or a designated storage space in your home, the garage can often become a place where you stash all of your unwanted or extra stuff that you just can have laying around the other parts of the house. It’s not uncommon for people to keep their old electronics or appliances in their garage on a slight chance they might use them again. However, that’s not good. You’re making your garage into a junkyard of sorts without using it to its full potential. Today, we’re going to help you solve that problem by showing you a few ways you can save and better organize your garage space. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Build cabinets
When you hear the word ‘cabinet’ your mind usually goes straight to the kitchen and when you think of the kitchen you often envision a well-organized, clean environment. Your garage should look the same. Naturally, you don’t have to strive for kitchen level of cleanliness, but, nothing’s stopping you from making it equally as organized. You have separate cabinets for pots and pans and also for cereal and condiments and you should apply the same method to your garage cabinets. Having a garage cabinet is a must for every well-thought-out garage space. You can store your tools, your equipment, and all of the other stuff you have lying around on the garage floor into a cabinet and have all this extra space available for something else. It also helps you find stuff easier.
Mount wall organizers
If you’ve ever set a foot in an auto mechanic shop, chances are you’ve seen walls covered in all the different tools. All kinds of different wrenches, screwdrivers, hammers and so on. Wall mounts not only save space, they offer a clear view of all your tools so you can find them more easily. It doesn’t just have to be tools. You can use the hooks from the wall organizers to hang your work clothes or other stuff. You can even add the magnetic wall strips, so all your metal tools can just be stuck to a wall while the others can just hang.

Add overhead storage
Every part of your garage can be used – you just have to be creative. If you happen to run out of space on your walls, you can always use your ceiling. Install racks or hooks into your ceiling so you can have a designated space for the stuff you don’t use that often. Of course, since those things will be hanging off of the ceiling, make sure they’re installed properly. You don’t want anything falling on your head and injuring you.
Have a folding workspace
Your garage door doesn’t have to be the only spring-loaded thing in your garage. Sure, having a great garage door from is a great way to make your garage as accessible and convenient as there is, but you can add more to it. If you or anyone from your household does a bit of crafty work, you can create a folding workbench. Those things are tremendously space-efficient. Drop it when you work, put it back up when you’re finished and it’s like it was never there. On the plus side, this can be a fun and easy DIY project, it’s not like you need to install a garage door, for which you would need the help of the professionals like

Get magnetic boards
We’ve mentioned these before, however, they deserve a proper acknowledgment. Magnetic boards are great for keeping small things like nails, screws, bolts, nuts and the rest of the bunch in place. You can use these while you work on something else and never lose a bolt or a nut again.
Get a mobile workstation
Since you’re going to have a lot of cabinets and rest of the stuff, why not make some of them mobile? Having a couple of drawers on wheels can save you a lot of time. It doesn’t have to be large, just big enough to fit all the tools you use frequently so you don’t have to walk around whenever you need something. Also, you don’t have to spring out for a pre-made workstation on wheels. This as well can be a fun DIY project. Just purchase a couple of wheels, screw them to the bottom of the counter and there you have it, a mobile workstation.

Keep your wiring clean
Most of us don’t pay enough attention when it comes to wiring for the garages. A lot of cables are often exposed as the overall aesthetic of the garage isn’t something we think about. However, having a lot of cables hanging off of the walls or ceiling can make the place look more crowded than it is. Not to mention a possible safety hazard. Make sure to hide your wiring or at least tie them up with a zip tie so they don’t hang all over the place.
Reimagine it
If you happen to have a large garage, no car and no interest in anything that requires tools, you can make your garage into a fun zone. All you need is a sofa, a TV, a game console and preferably a fridge so you don’t have to go out whenever you want a cold beverage. A lot of us dream about a ‘man cave’ from the first time we saw it on the TV and this just might be your chance to have one.
To sum it all up, you can do anything you want in your garage, it’s yours after all. However, we can all agree that it would be best if it was well-organized and clutter-free. Hopefully, this article has given you some ideas on how you might do it.