Although smart technology has made its entrance into our daily life a long time ago, there still are some questions about their security, quality and the way they function. Those questions are oftentimes being answered by non-qualified people, so there’s a lot of room for assumptions, wrong information and of course – misconceptions.
What benefits do we have from technological innovations and development? Thanks to smartphones and the rise of the internet, we got an immediate opportunity to access information, allowing us to significantly reduce the time needed for finding that information elsewhere. Not only that, we got a chance to communicate with people no matter where they are in the world, using social media on smartphones, tablets and computers. New businesses have been developed, and our lives have become tremendously easier since we’re now able to have virtual assistants, organizers and calendars, productivity apps, online banking, we can work on our education, expand our knowledge, enrol in millions of courses, learn new skills. The list could go on and on.
Despite all the great benefits of the modern era, people still have certain doubts that prevent them from fully adapting to the world’s trends and easing their daily activities by buying several items that use smart technology. Why is that?
According to, accepting the novelties and getting used to new ways of functioning was not always a simple process. Smart devices are being constantly upgraded, and thanks to the marketing power, we have a feeling that we need to stay on track with all the innovations, by purchasing new items now and then. The pressure society puts on us to become tech enthusiasts, is in some cases – completely counterproductive.
It seems like something’s being hidden from us – the real truth behind the popularity of smart devices and modern technologies in general. Being right or wrong, there’s no doubt that just a bit more information and a personal experience would change the way some people perceive smart technology. Until then, let’s talk about the most common misconceptions out there:

This is a very common misconception people tend to believe in. With the first smart tech device on the market, the number of questions and dilemmas have started growing and the train of worries never stopped, until this day. According to a recent survey, more than 50% of people still think that there’s a great possibility that these devices invade their privacy in numerous ways.
Whether it’s about collecting the data about their activity on the internet, tracking them by using their location, monitoring through their cameras or listening through microphones on their phones or computers, theories some people have are not being realistic enough nor proven to be true. Still, technology innovations provide a certain level of user experience that sometimes may seem intimidating or scary.
Will you buy a smartphone without a camera? How could you make a phone call if a microphone wasn’t integrated into your phone? By asking a couple of simple and intuitive questions, it’s easy to understand the logic behind certain features. Undoubtedly, smart tech devices made our lives easier, helped us catch our most valuable memories, connect with people overseas or simply relax watching the new series on Netflix. Will all of that be possible if the majority of people rejected the innovations only because they were afraid that big brother is watching them? And more importantly, was that the main goal of smart devices production? Most certainly not.

When the first smartphone was invented in 1995, no one had a clue that it would become a necessity for every person in the world. We also didn’t have a clue that smart devices will become affordable and accessible to anyone, since the first cell phones had astronomically high prices. From the first mobile phone with the price of almost $9,000 we passed a long way to make it available for an average consumer.
However, the myth about the high price of these devices was modified through the years and it’s not only about the affordability anymore, since the number of brands, types and models, prices and features have enormously grown, providing the customers with numerous options to choose from, depending on their budget and preferences. Today’s misconception is all about paying more to get more. People think that being able to use smart technology and being able to have smart gadgets is only possible if they invest tremendous amounts of money on it.
This is not the case in reality! Today’s prices highly depend on the name of the brand, but it doesn’t mean you can’t focus on the specifications and get yourself some quality products for a price that matches your budget. It’s all about being open-minded, doing your research and comparing the specifications from different brands. You don’t have to buy the newest version of the iPhone. Some other brand with specs that are close enough to what you need, might work just fine.

You think that you don’t need that smartwatch or that people who invest in smart home technology are wasting their money? You might be one of the people who tend to think that less is more when it comes to technology innovations. The thing is – what was once considered a gimmick, is a necessity today. Having a phone and a laptop became essential for normal functioning in the modern era where being offline isn’t good for your business or your relationships. Imagine a world without emails.
How would you maintain your business connections? Smartwatches, on the other hand, are a great way of tracking your progress while allowing you to never miss notifications, messages and other important things. They’re also a great alternative for constantly holding your phone in your hands. If you go for a run, wouldn’t you wanna know how many miles did you run, how fast is your heartbeat and who called you while you were exercising? This example clearly shows you that there’s a logic behind every technology innovation. It’s just a matter of time when some other devices will replace our phones and computers.
Although they often make no sense, myths and misconceptions are there to question popular phenomena so they’re somewhat useful. Still, considering the right information and doing research should be the main focus, rather than assumptions and irrational beliefs. You may think your phone is bad for your health but if you read a couple of studies, you’ll understand that they’re nothing more than electromagnetic emitters, no more dangerous than anything else that surrounds us. You may think that smart technology is complicated, but with a user’s guide and an infinite source of information – the internet, you can easily get answers to anything you’ve been struggling with, therefore busting the myth that using smart technology isn’t for everyone.
What misconceptions do you have?