Although sex toys are designed for men and women and are intended solely to achieve pleasure, there are prejudices about them. The highest number of prejudices was noticed among males. There are several reasons behind this behavior, and as a consequence, there is shyness, dissatisfaction, etc. That is why many of them do not dare to visit sex toy stores.
While women’s opinions have evolved in recent years, men have remained skeptical. For example, a woman will have no problem telling friends how to use a vibrator while a man might be ridiculed.
1. Sex toys are an indicator of a bad relationship

This is a problem that a large number of couples face. However, it is perhaps the most difficult for men to overcome it. There is no need to avoid going to the store because of this, because buying sex toys means just the opposite. This means that you have decided to enjoy sex to the maximum. On the other hand, you will enrich your sex life.
Since each toy is designed for your pleasure, you can try a lot of interesting things with your partner. It is an opportunity to stimulate erogenous zones, explore your bodies and try various sexual aids. In addition to having crazy fun, you will deepen your relationship and be even more open to each other.
2. Sex toys are an indicator of loneliness

Another reason why men may refuse to go to the store is this. Don’t worry, sex toys don’t necessarily mean you don’t have a partner. It is solely a consequence of your sexual desire and inclinations. It is true that people buy things like this due to lack of partners, but they are not the only ones. People in happy relationships come to improve their sexual function. It is especially important for men to emphasize their masculinity, and going to a sex shop could mean just the opposite for some. Fortunately, there are online stores that are always available. One of the most realistic reasons why males are not buying sex toys in stores is huge offer you can find online and rarely in brick and mortar stores. Visit here and see for yourself.
3. Sex toys can reveal your sexual orientation

We must not forget one important thing. This refers to sexual orientation. It’s just that not everyone is ready to talk about it in public and reveal their sexual identity. Bisexual or homosexual men can be uncomfortable buying certain products that may indicate their preferences. Straight men may be equally uninterested in shopping at the store, and the reason is the same. The fact is that sexual tastes are different and can be very extreme, they cannot determine us. That is why it is easier for most of them to order sex toys through online store because they feel more comfortable and protected.
4. Shyness

Shyness is present in both men and women. It has less to do with gender and more to do with personality type. However, men always find it a little harder to deal with shyness than women. One of the main factors is the proof of their masculinity, which in some situations can be questioned. There are also people who have not yet had sexual experience or are very little experienced.
They want to explore their body and satisfy the need for sex, but because of all that, they can have a certain dose of shyness. Of course, this can be a passing phase that is overcome by sexual experience, age, and work on yourself. Remember that sexually active people are less sick, have lower blood pressure and are less likely to have a heart attack.
Best Male Masturbators:
If you decide to go to sex shop after reading this article, we will help you and tell you what to look for.
1. Turbo Thrust Blow Job Masturbator

This device is best known for activating as many as three points that mimic mouth movements. So, it provides a feeling of satisfaction that is a consequence of contact with different areas of the mouth. Thanks to its design, it is possible to capture the entire length of the penis. Another great thing is that the channel is transparent, which means that you will be able to enjoy the show. It has a supplement that allows you to have fun without hands and contributes to a new level of sexual pleasure.
2. Main Squeeze

Unlike the previous model, this one mimics the look of the vagina. Not only is the imitation located on the opening itself, but it also gives you the feeling of a vagina during the procedure. It is designed so that the user can decide how solid the interior of the model will be. It is also easy to maintain, you just need to disassemble and clean it. Regular maintenance can last you a long time, and you can choose between different textures. This is an opportunity to become an even better lover than you already are. You explore your body and practice delaying orgasm.
3. Stamina Training Unit

This model is similar to the previous one due to its appearance characteristics. The material is in the color of meat, and the texture resembles real leather. It is designed specifically to help men increase sexual stamina or delay orgasm. The consequence of this exercise is a much stronger erection and greater control. In the end, after this product, you will surely feel fantastic. It features an adjustable start that you can tighten or loosen to control airflow.
4. Masturbation Eggs

We present you with another masturbator who has an interesting look. You can assume for yourself that it is a sex toy that is in the shape of an egg. The interior gives you different patterns and sensations. We must mention that you get more eggs in the package, which means that these items are disposable.
So, many men do not dare to visit sex toy stores. We believe that there is no reason for that because they provide fantastic sexual experiences. Instead of being ashamed of it, treat yourself to an unforgettable party.