Keeping your body and skin hydrated should not something you do from time to time. Do not mistake a dehydrated skin for dry skin – it’s not the same thing whatsoever. When your skin is dehydrated, it means it lacks water. Dehydrated skin looks dull, greyish, and dry. It is easy to mistake one for the other, especially since they look alike, but dry skin lacks natural oils or sebum, not water. Also, dry skin can be the result of diet, medications, or an underlying medical condition.
In both cases, your skin will look and feel very dry. The key difference is to look for these symptoms. If you’ve noticed itchiness, redness or irritation of any kind, that’s dry skin. Whereas if you see a grey-ish, dull-looking skin with dark circles, puffy eyes, and dry mouth, that’s a sign of dehydration. So, now that we can differentiate the two, how do we solve those problems? Is drinking more water everything you need to do to make your skin glow? Today, we’re going to try and answer those questions. We’ll present you with a couple of tips and tricks on how to take care of your dehydrated skin. Let’s get right to it.
Hydrate and moisturize

The first and the most obvious step toward rehydration is obviously going to be an increase in water consumptions. Water is the most essential thing we ingest and without at least 8 glasses of water a day we’re putting our body at risk. However, just drinking water is not enough. You need something that’s going to retain the water in your skin and that’s what moisturizers are fore. These two are a dynamic duo that’s going to make your skin look better. You may try one or the other, but they’re best if paired.
Drink more water

Like we’ve said, you need at least 8 glasses of water daily, or even more, it all depends on you. The amount of water is not set in stone, a lot of factors determine how much do you need. The more you weigh and the more active you are, you’re going to need more water. It’s not only skin that suffers from lack of water. Everything does. Your body is around 60% water, so it should come as no surprise we need a lot of it to sustain the health and balance. With that being said, don’t drink too much. All of the excess water will be flushed out of your body and that can put additional strain on your body, especially kidneys.
Don’t shower for too long or with very hot water

Although, this might seem slightly contradictory, spending a lot of time in a hot water can damage your skin. How water can affect your outer layer of skin and make your skin dry out faster. Your skin has its own protective layer that stops the water from leaving your body and if you damage it, your skin dries out much faster. If you’re anything like me and you love a good bubble bath, just make sure your water is not too hot. Fill your tub with lukewarm water, throw in a couple of bath bombs from and relax for a little bit.
Use skincare products

Skincare products are something that can help you out a lot when it comes to dehydrated skin, you just need to know which products to use and how to use them. There is not a single skincare routine that is great for every skin type, so choose wisely. Mostly try and focus on water-based products, like creams or moisturizers. When choosing a skincare product, whether it’s cleanser, tonic or moisturizer, take a look at an ingredient label. That should serve as your guide when it comes to picking out a proper product. For dehydrated skin look for some of the following ingredients.
Hyaluronic acid is something that is commonly advertised and used in skincare products. It’s widely popular in anti-ageing creams because the hyaluronic acid helps the skin retain moisture and keep its elasticity. Dehydrated skin lacks just that, moisture and elasticity.
Panthenol is also one of the most popular and highly advertised magic ingredients in the beauty industry. From hair products to skincare, panthenol is an absolute champion when it comes to keeping the water inside.
Next up, we have glycerine, another very popular ingredient in skincare products. Glycerine can help your skin feel less dry and itchy. Unlike most of the hydrating ingredients, glycerine does not penetrate your skin, it coats it, retaining moisture that way.
Use face masks

We’re not talking about masks you use for Halloween, although those are fun, too. However, today it’s about hydrating face masks. Whether you buy a pre-made mask or you decide to make one yourself, it doesn’t matter, it can only help you. Making a face mask a regular part of your skincare routine can significantly improve the condition of your skin. Take a look at this fun and simple DIY facemask recipe.
Mash a quarter of an avocado with one tablespoon of cocoa powder and honey until you get a nice, smooth paste. Apply this mask for 10 to 15 minutes and then just rinse with warm water and moisturize like you usually do – it’s that simple.
Don’t forget about the sunscreen

None of us forget about sunscreen when we go to the beach, but, what about everyday exposure? That affects our skin a lot more than we know. Sun is not a friend to your skin no matter how much you like the tan. Apply sunscreen every time you’re out and about on a sunny day. You might not feel or see the results, but in 20 years, it’ll be obvious.
Eat a balanced diet

What we eat reflects on our skin. Make sure you eat enough of fruit and vegetables since they’re rich in water, vitamins, and fibres, all of which are really good for your skin. If you can, eat a lot of cucumbers, tomatoes, or citrus-based fruits. Those will provide you with most water and necessary vitamins. You are what you eat after all.
Hopefully, this article has helped you understand how to treat dehydrated skin and make it radiant again.