15 Best Cryptocurrency Podcasts You Must Follow in 2024

Are you a major podcast listener? Or just someone who truly loves Bitcoin? Either way it is, listening to crypto podcasts will bring and combine the best of both worlds, and it will help you enjoy and understand some of the most basic rules in regards to cryptos. This audio format will make your experience pleasurable, as well as easy to understand. Keep on reading and find out what are some of the best podcasts to listen to in 2024!

1. Crypto Campfire Podcast

According to Globenewswire, there are loads of different auto-trading robots on the market, and we can expect to see the Bitcoin revolution in 2024. One of the pioneers that can’t wait to talk about new events is the Crypto Campfire podcast that talks about cryptos while being laid back and looking into space next to a cozy campfire. It is the ultimate guy to guy conversation that approaches Bitcoin the right way!

2. Untold Stories

This podcast is hosted by Charlie Shrem who is the founder of the well-known Bitcoin Foundation. This podcast gives you a brief intro inside his mind and helps you get personal while listening to some of his personal stories. There is a lot that goes behind the scenes, and you will get to listen to some crypto marketing stories that will help you further in your career or your business.

3. Unchained and Unconfirmed

The podcast has been around since 2016. It was founded by Laura Shin who worked for Forbes a couple of years back. Her blog and her podcast took off because she was the first mainstream reporter to cover cryptocurrencies as her full-time job.

4. The Bitcoin Knowledge Podcast

Trace Mayer started this podcast early on, and has been talking about big investments in Kraken and Armory. You will also get to understand the first steps, new beginnings, as well as how it all went down and behind the scenes when it came to the first Bitcoin conference ever in 2013.

5. The Crypto Street Podcast

This is a fun podcast that is hosted by three guys, Dale, Whale, and Prince! They talk about everything that may intrigue an individual, such as the future of wealth, market, new and viral trends + they have their own theme song which just makes you fall in love with them, their stories, as well as their character even more!

6. Off The Chain

Anthony Pompliano is quite popular when it comes to the crypto industry. He has a lot of debates with some influential people, and he always talks about crypto change. He also has interviews with Wall Street investors, which are more than fun and engaging to listen to.

7. Stephan Livera Podcast

Stephan Livera has an amazing background in finance, as well as in accounting which allows him to talk about the financial and economic side of Bitcoin. Livera has worked within a bank and is now discussing any new and sudden changes of a Bitcoin through his podcasts.

8. Nugget’s News Crypto

Alex Saunders runs this podcast and talks about any new cryptos weekly. He is also a board member of Blockchain Australia, and he can help you build your knowledge through different cryptos, as well as some ”down under” tips.

9. Crypto Entrepreneurs

This podcast focuses on building your business by using different techniques and a new approach. If you are more-so interested in the business side of cryptocurrencies, give this podcast a go!

10. What Bitcoin Did

The name might sound a bit funny, but Peter McCormack knows what he’s doing! This is a podcast that talks about leaders in this industry. You will enjoy his conversations, as well as discussions that he often includes in his interviews.

11. Blockchain Insider by 11:FS

This podcast is brought to you all the way from London, England. It is hosted by Simon Taylor who specialized in Bitcoin and ledger technology. He has 18 episodes per year and is very engaging as well as fun to listen to, especially if you are a fan of the British accent.

12. Crypto After Dark

Coming all the way from Nevada, this podcast talks about the techno side of crypto, as well as future tech and stock markets. If you are more interested in technology and marketing than some funny past experiences, this is the right in-depth podcast for you.

13. The Cryptocast With Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman has funny commentary, as well as loads of different analysts, investors, as well as technologists on his podcast. For him, Crypto is not only about bitcoin. He only shoots two episodes per month, but they are fun and lengthy, which makes up for the rest!

14. CryptoBasic Podcast

This podcast is a show in Florida, and his host Brent Philbin along with Karim and Michael explore different cryptos through each episode. These three pals share their experiences and thoughts on each kind, and they love to talk about everything in an educational way.

15. Cryptoknights

Last, but not least, how about you turn on some CryptoKnights? These are for crypto maniacs as well as people who are interested in some deep analysis. This podcast is perfect for anyone who is trying to fully understand any currency, and especially if you’re into intricate stories.

Ready For Some Crypto News?

So, are you ready to dive in and explore this crypto world? A lot of people often struggle to begin with their crypto journey. This is because they don’t have a lot of help, they don’t trust their resources, and they are also often lacking some basic knowledge or inside information when it comes to their crypto world. However, our recommendations are beginner-friendly, as well as perfect for anyone who is willing to give something new a go! If you’re interested simply browse through your options, turn on at least one of these 15 podcasts, and have a blast!