Whether you’re a CBD connoisseur who’s thinking of switching things up, or you’ve just arrived at the party and don’t know where to start, there is a wide variety of ways to take your CBD.
Although dropping a CBD tincture or oil under your tongue is arguably the most flexible and reliable method, there’s an indisputable hype around edibles, too, with all manner of flavours and rainbow-shaded premium delta 8 gummies hitting the shelves in recent months. But even if you might be tempted to experiment with CBD under new forms, you might be skirmish of shaking up your routine.
CBD Overview

First and foremost, it’s important to know that cannabidiol (CBD) is an entirely natural compound found within the cannabis plant. It’s one of dozens of other cannabinoid compounds (such as CBC, THCV, etc.) that exist in cannabis. However, most of these compounds exist in tiny concentrations.
Both THC and CBD are naturally occurring compounds found in the marijuana plant. So, it isn’t correct to assume that “Cannabidiol is marijuana” – it’s just a part of it. People often assume that marijuana is one and the same as the regular weed that you can vape or roll into a joint and smoke to get high. But CBD does not work that way.
CBD products we know are made of raw hemp material. Hemp is a variety of the Cannabis Sativa that’s cultivated to produce low levels of Tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC) and high levels of Cannabidiol ( CBD).
According to OrganicCBDNugs there are many ways you can take your daily CBD, including edibles, tinctures, oils, and creams – and none of which produce the side effects of THC or “the high”.
People who use CBD on a daily basis do so to help manage the symptoms of a medical condition. Many of them use it to substitute prescribed medication or over-the-counter drugs entirely. However, if you’re currently taking any medication, you should consult with your physician before using any CBD product. Evidence shows that CBD could interact with OTC drugs and other medications.
How CBD Works in the Body

Because it works through an indirect route, CBD does not drastically initiate change in our brain. However, recent findings hint that it may delay the reuptake of chemicals like anandamide, an endocannabinoid responsible for a series of crucial psychological processes. It impacts the glucose levels in the blood, hunger, and digestion and ensures the delivery of specific signals to the brain.
CBD does not cause side effects, although some users have reported fatigue, dry mouth, or other symptoms. Thus, if you’re planning to include CBD in your day-to-day, you should at least keep in touch with your physicians and follow any doctor-approved treatment plans and regimens.
You can purchase hemp-derived CBD products such as edibles, oils, and capsules in many states in the U.S, provided that they don’t contain more than 0.3% THC.
Edibles: Advantages

CBD edibles are exactly what you think they are. They’re CBD-based products you can eat and drink. They’re often consumed like other comestibles and can come in different forms, including chocolate bars, CBD-infused beverage enhancers like coffee, and gummies. Because they only contain a small trace of THC, CBD edibles do not commonly alter cognition.
While common CBD users experience little to no side effects from edibles, some have reported drowsiness, diarrhea, and nausea.
CBD is an entirely different story from THC. People love CBD because it’s more convenient and can be easily stored in gummies and candies for later consumption while on the go.
CBD edibles may also help you avoid the dangers that smoke from pipes and joints presents.
Smoking is bad for the lungs, bad for your breath and bad for those around you. One study found that smoking cannabis-related products present a very small risk to the lungs, but it can cause you to develop chronic phlegm and cough.
Secondly, CBD edibles are much tastier when compared to oils and tinctures. Often, CBD oil has been described as grassy, nutty, and earthy, with a bitter aftertaste that can be discouraging for some. Still. There are ways you can mask the unpleasant taste of the oil by adding it to your tea, coffee, and meals.
What’s more, CBD edibles like gummies are available in a variety of flavours. The taste of sweeteners added in gummies makes meeting one’s CBD a little easier on the palate.
Tinctures: Advantages

CBD tinctures and oils offer the exact same potential benefits that edibles do. Oil and tinctures are not intoxicating and pretty easy to carry when on the go. However, the difference between the two lies in the mode of administration. You can take CBD gummies anywhere you go or enjoy your drink while in the park. CBD tinctures must be placed in a carrier oil and used sublingually.
Last but not least, we think both CBD options are convenient. Obviously, taking CBD sublingually isn’t the most discreet mode of consumption compared with a bag of CBD gummy or other CBD-infused edibles when in public.
Both edibles and tinctures present their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to modes of consumption. When deciding which consumption method fits your lifestyle better, think of factors like ease of use, taste, accessibility, and possible side effects. The rest is up to you!