Starting your own small business in these modern times is easier than ever. With the help of the Internet, you can have your own business in a matter of a few seconds. But, reaching success with that newly made company is another thing. With so much competition today, it can be a bit difficult to gain some traction and recognition. However, with how big social media websites are today, by taking the right steps, you could easily start getting a lot of recognition across the world.
Keep in mind, properly maintaining a business social media profile is not as easy as it seems. Just one simple mistake and that can be a huge backlash. This is why it is so important to be very careful and to do your research beforehand. Learn all the different tricks and tips you can to share the right content to properly communicate with your audience.
To help every small business owner, I decided to write this article to share all the tips and tricks I can for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media website you can think of. Once you start implementing these tricks, I am sure that you will see a lot more traction on your website.
Pick the right platform
Since your company is still very young and new, you probably do not have the time or the people to handle several different profiles. Sharing content on these platforms is not something that you can do in 10 or 15 minutes. You have to properly plan your image, your title, your text, and every other detail of your post. It is essential that you always aim for quality instead of quantity.
So, if your budget is not big enough to support accounts for Facebook or Instagram and Twitter at the same time, it is best to pick just one out of these three. Or any other social media platform you can think of.
I suggest that you pick the one that you are most familiar with. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time learning how the application and website work.
You also have to keep in mind that the platforms cater to different generations. For example, Instagram is for much younger people. Instagram is usually used by millennial’s, generation Z, and generation X. While Boomers and the Silent generation prefer to use Facebook. Twitter is kind of a mix of everything.
So, if you have information on your own audience, you can use that to your advantage.

Understand your audience
Every business has its own type of audience. Different types of people like different types of content. In other words, you can just start posting random content on your profile without first doing a little bit of research.
The entire point of social media is to directly connect and be relatable with your customers. If you do not respect that, if you do not respect their opinion, they will also lose respect for your company, your products, and your services.
That is why it is so important to do a little bit of research on your audience and find out what they really want to see.
Optimize your link preview
Whenever you share links from your website or any other website, users on the social media platform see a preview of the website. It shows a small snippet that builds a certain amount of expectation for a customer.
It is very important to optimize your link previews, otherwise, you could lose a lot of potential clicks and customers. If you do not have any kind of experience on the subject, you should probably check this website for guidance.

Once you get a good understanding of your audience, it is time to start working on your engagement. Every digital marketing expert will always tell you that the most important thing for any social media is engagement. Without it, you will never be able to grow your account further which could ultimately boost the growth of your business.
So, what does engagement exactly mean on these websites and how to best utilize it? Well, it is actually quite simple. You have to start responding to the comments on your websites, no matter if they are positive or negative. In fact, it might even be better to respond to negative comments. People appreciate it when a company cannot accept negative criticisms.
That is the first and probably the most important step. Additionally, you can also start responding to people in private messages. This is especially important for Facebook. This is because Facebook has a rating system for the response time of businesses on the platform. You want to keep that response time as fast as possible.
If you want even more engagement with your customers, you will have to directly address them in your posts. Start asking questions on your posts that can be easily answered by anyone. You should also consider doing giveaways. By doing this, people will be inclined to comment, share, or like your posts.
Advertise your posts
If you want to take the next step, it is time to invest a little money into your social media account. Both Facebook and Instagram offer services that allow you to advertise your posts across the platform. These ads basically increase your reach.
For example, if you have 100,000 followers on Facebook, usually you probably reach around 10,000 of those. If you want to improve that reach, you need to pay Facebook. The more you pay, the closer you get to a reach of 100,000 followers

Show your appreciation as you grow
People love when companies are down to earth and relatable. Your customers, your followers, and your subscribers are the ones that help you grow your business. That is why it is so crucial to show your appreciation as you grow.
It is best to show appreciation during certain milestones. For example, when you reach 100,000 followers, you can make a special “Thank You” post. If you want to make it even more special, you can do a giveaway of certain products or services. People love it when companies say thank you, but they love giveaways even more.
There are a couple more tips and tricks you could find about social media sharing, but I believe these are the most important things you have to remember.