Ever wonder why your pipes and drains are so slow at draining? A slow drain in your bathroom could very well be the reason for a clogged toilet or a leaking faucet. It does not matter if you have a drain in your kitchen sink, your tub, or even if your bathtub has a slow draining outlet. In any event, if you cannot keep water from draining, then there is a problem.
The first thing that you need to know is that your bathroom drains are simply pipes. They run alongside your home, passing water from the drain to the sewer line in your kitchen or other bathroom. Your bathroom drains do not have any connection to your kitchen sink drain, your tub drain, or your toilets or showers drains.
A simple solution to this problem is to install bathroom fixtures which extend or connect to your main water line. These fixtures will divert any surplus water away from the walls of your home and down to the sewer line. Some common examples of bathroom drains with an extra outlet are toilet cisterns, and shower heads with shower stalls or self-clogging mechanisms.

If you have a tree root invading your drain pipe, you may end up with serious issues. Tree roots will seek out the moisture in your drain pipe – and may create or exploit even the tiniest crack in it. The clog can cause all drainage in your house to back up in your basement – because it is the lowest drain. This can mean human waste, flooding, and so many other horrible outcomes. Never plant a tree above your drain pipes, as this can be a problem decades later, for you or the new homeowners.
Another way to solve the problem of a leaking drain is to clean out the pipes around the outside of the house. A few reasons for water to seep into your basement are broken pipes, and missing roof tiles. A broken pipe can be repaired, but a complete rebuild of the house’s plumbing can be very expensive.
Laying tile along the bottom of the basement floor, and then placing plastic sheets over the surface is a quick and inexpensive fix. Just make sure there aren’t any gaps where water could get through. And keep in mond that this is a quick fix: There is a reason that we are not calling this a permanent fix! Get home construction professionals when fixing such a potentially serious problem with your home.

Another problem your bathroom drain can become clogged with hair, food, or other debris is when you have a lot of hair collecting in your shower. Normally the water would exit your hair and sink, but because it is standing on the sides of the drain and on the tile, it blocks the exit.
Many types of food and debris – as well as hair – will not decompose easily. These kinds of blockages can stay for quite a while unless you do something about it. This technique MIGHT work, although it is a little too simple for the most stubborn clogs: To clear out the obstruction, just pour some water down the drain and flush the tile, which should pull the water to the surface of the floor. You may need to get a couple of pails of water to accomplish this.
Toilet drainage is another problem with bathroom drains that can occur when there is nothing down deep to act as a trap. Often the simplest way to clear out this sort of blockage is to use your bathroom sink. Starting at the top of the sink, using a plunger, remove any debris from the bowl and move it toward the toilet. This should help dislodge most if not all of the blockage. You wouldn’t think that this would work, but it really does. Many plumbers recommend it for the more simple toilet clog issues.

If neither of these solutions works in clearing out a slow drain in your bathroom, you may have to hire a plumbing contractor to take care of the problem. Find someone such as fixitrightplumbing.com.au to fix it right the first time to avoid any problems. There are many types of plumbing systems, so you should know what the problem is and how to go about fixing it. A slow drain in your bathroom may also be caused by an improperly installed bathroom drain line. It is surprising how many times this is the case! Luckily, a clogged bathroom drain line is easy to fix; it just needs to be replaced with one that is designed to keep water out of your bathroom.
Even the smallest issue in your bathroom requires your quickest response. Be sure to give your full attention to even the smallest leak, as it can mean damage and other serious problems down the road. Even mold issues can start with just a very small amount of water leakage. And once mold has started, it can be very difficult to stop! How to be vigilant? Look all around your fixtures – and even check rooms underneath your bathroom: You might find discoloration on the ceiling, or even water dripping while you are inspecting! Get professional help right away if you have such a serious water problem, and see if you can do anything to stop the damage while waiting for a professional to arrive! You can either put down absorbent towels, a pan to catch water, or try to tighten bolts yourself.
It is important to know what causes a slow drain in your bathroom so you can easily find ways to prevent it. If you have a toilet that doesn’t work properly, or your sink is clogged, there may be a more serious problem than just a slow drain. A bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the house, and it deserves the best attention possible. Water can cause damage, mold, pests- and so many other problems for your home, so get issues fixed quickly. Whether it is a small clog or a tough draining issue, identifying the problem and getting it rectified can and will save you a lot of money in the future. By knowing what causes a slow drain in your bathroom, you can make sure your bathroom gets the maintenance it deserves.