The Vision with Technology
The chairman of JPT, Huang Zhijia, believes the only way for the company to have an outstanding future is if they continue to go further and deeper into the area of laser technology. They must continue to offer the highest quality equipment for their customers.
JPT is the first commercial MOPA pulsed fiber laser company in China. In Oct of 2019, it was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange STAR market.
7 Years Focused on Fiber Laser Opportunities

JPT began operations in April 2006. The focus was on fiber laser opportunities. The subdivision technology decisions in this area include:
- Mode-locking
- Q-Switching
The first equipment they created was the MOPA pulsed fiber laser. While MOPA pulsed fiber lasers have advanced features, they are also harder to create. When the company was just starting, none of the JPT team members were familiar with MOPA and they lacked the necessary experience to manufacture such equipment.
The first 7 years were a learning experience, filled with challenges and even some hardships. Zhijia remembers well the methods they undertook to be successful in the area of MOPA pulsed fiber lasers. They created experimental equipment using the principles of physics as a guide. Through trial and error, they were eventually successful and established JPT company rights to this intellectual property.
In 2008, JPT created the first prototype of the MOPA pulsed fiber laser. By 2010 they had perfected it and launched production. However, the excitement was short-lived as the equipment lacked stability. The result was an aging test that spanned over a year.
It took 7 years for the production of this equipment to be satisfactory to the leaders of JPT. The ongoing research and development kept them positive as they knew they were moving in the right direction. JPT stands firmly on the belief you need to be original if you wish to do something different! Zhijia knew the goal of JPT and the hard work and dedication of the entire team paid off. After 7 years JPT was proudly introducing the first commercial MOPA pulsed fiber laser from a manufacturer based in China!
The early stages of JPT while these 7 years of evolution took place paved the way for future equipment they would later introduce. Following precise methods, JPT has been successful with optical testing equipment and laser trimming machines.
Focusing on Research and Development

Zhijia refers to JPT as a scientific research institute. The team involved with research and development is at the core of the company. This includes doctors who have practiced overseas and then returned to China. It also includes talented individuals with diverse backgrounds in science, education, and specialized training. Their collaborative efforts offer a strong element in place to continue to move forward. Research and development are one of the many reasons why JPT has been successful.
When 2024 came to a close, the research and development team of JPT made up 41.3% of the employees. 17 of the individuals have doctoral degrees. The investment in the last 3 years for research and development is approximately 12% of revenue. The expenses in this area were 143 million YUAN for 2024. This was an increase of 42.95% from the previous year. As of July 2024, the company has 447 patents. This includes 242 for utility models and 73 for inventions.
When you walk into the JPT research and development lab, you will immediately see various types of tools and equipment. This includes connection equipment and laser welding equipment. The specific testing conducted at any given time depends on the technology targeted for specific advanced laser welding needs. The goal is to ensure customers can rely on the equipment JPT providers for new energy, 3C industry requirements, and passive components. The company is proud to offer a comprehensive advanced laser welding solution for each of its customers.

From the point of view of JPT, the goal is to find a way to solve issues customers have. That is why so much time, money, and effort is invested in the research and development of their equipment. They communicate with their customers to identify problems, look for solutions, and introduce better concepts. The designs created are a direct result of discussions with customers and advances in technology. Improving overall outcomes and efficiency in production through the use of JPT equipment has helped them earn the respect and business of customers over the years.
Zhijia is credited with bringing this idea to life through his dedication of communication and sharing information with customers. They need to be on the same page as those offering the services. JPT has made breakthroughs in several areas including new energy, semiconductors, 3C, and integrated circuits. They have moved beyond the boundaries once in place for laser technology. All of this sets a strong foundation for the manufacturing industry in China to move forward. At the same time, it opens up the opportunity for laser technology in China to be used by overseas markets.
The future looks bright for JPT, and there is plenty in motion through research and development at the moment. It will be fascinating to see what they accomplish in 5 years and 10 years! The development of 5G and new energy seems to be the focal points for growth at JPT. Zhijia is dedicated to being a leader in laser light source options. The company remains dedicated to solving any technical issues so their customers can rely on the equipment without worries or problems.