Motivation is an important part of education. You should know why you are studying to make it successful.
Every child sooner or later experiences a loss of motivation. This is an unpleasant situation, because he/she loses the desire to gain new knowledge or write an essay, he/she just uses Editius. It makes it easier when you don’t have time for such things, but if you need to learn something, it doesn’t work. Today we tell you how not to lose motivation to learn.
Opportunity to feel competent
What best motivates children to do something? Often it is the presence of a chance for success or the feeling that the task will definitely have enough strength and inspiration. Help your students find positive moments in even the most difficult tasks and gain confidence in their performance. If students feel competent and confident, the chances that they will enjoy completing the task will increase significantly. And what if the result is not good? This is not a problem. When children are motivated, an unsuccessful attempt will not embarrass them, but on the contrary, will become an incentive.
Focus on the process and effort, not just the result!
Do students make a lot of effort, but do not get the desired results? Praise the children for their hard work and point out that they have made some progress. Remember, every child is unique and has their own talents and interests. And to accurately motivate children, control the process of completing the task, and if necessary, tell me a little in which direction to move.

The child’s internal motivation is stronger than the external one
In short, internal motivation is a person’s desire to achieve a goal, and external motivation is caused by external factors such as fame, sweet rewards, evaluations, and so on. Internally motivated children are constantly striving for development, looking for new ways of self-improvement – all this helps them to succeed in life. But externally motivated children are too dependent on the material manifestations of motivation: as soon as the reward disappears, the student loses the desire to do something.
The goal is the best motivation
Ask the children to keep a notebook where they can write down their plans and goals. To make it more interesting, the pages can be designed not officially (in the form of diagrams or tables), but creatively (with pictures, stickers, etc.).
Goals will help the child to determine the direction in which to move and develop, which is the key to a promising future. All goals in the notebook should be divided into 2 categories: simple (do not be late for school, do not forget the textbook) and serious, long-term (step-by-step task planning). You can download a ready-made template to record plans and goals.

Motivate with competitions
Children love competition and instinctively strive to win. Maybe it’s worth using as motivation? If children are told that they need to solve two math problems, it will not light up in their eyes. And what if several groups of students compete with each other: who will solve problems quickly and correctly? Well from! Quite a different reaction. The desire to win and healthy competition will motivate students to complete tasks and win titles. This method should not be abused, as regular competitions can simply bore students, after which they will not arouse any interest.
Credit of trust
Sometimes teachers can use the “Credit of Trust” motivation technique, which should not be abused. The bottom line: instead of a bad grade, the teacher marks “credit” in the diary and journal, ie it is a kind of chance for the student to prove himself and prove his ability to complete the task. The child will believe in his own strength and will try to justify the teacher’s trust by working hard.
All these techniques will make the learning process exciting and interesting, which will attract even those children who are not always active to work in the classroom. Students need situations of success in the classroom, because they largely determine the attitude of students to the world, their inner harmony, desire to learn and learn something new.
Learning is not an easy task. You have to attend classes every day, memorize a lot of new information, keep notes, answer teachers’ questions and write tests. And at home, homework, huge paragraphs with not always necessary and clear information, a lot of written assignments, poems, labs, essays. And if you add a huge number of clubs and tutors, it is not surprising that with such a schedule, not many students can withstand such a rhythm of life, someone starts to miss lessons, not to do homework.

- Set the task correctly! Don’t think about how to force yourself to learn, but think about how to start learning well. Do not force yourself (the subconscious will resist violence), but plan! Set a goal to get in the semester on the subject of “X” by more than now, and the subconscious will immediately find ways to solve this problem.
- Find a motive (reason, incentive) to study well. Motivation can be different: most often it is a prospect (prize). It can be close (After successfully passing the exams, I will go to camp) or long-term (Here I will study and become president!). Everyone has their own motivation.
- Arrange the workplace. Trite, but true. It may be more enjoyable to lie down on the couch with a tablet, but it has been proven that lying down understands and remembers worse and slower, due to physiology.
- Change the style of clothing. Naturally, clothing alone cannot force you to learn, but style can. Put on the style of a good student neatly and strictly. Try it and you will feel the changes both from others and within yourself.
- Turn boring into creative! For example, use the method of associative cards. This applies to keeping notes: write a lecture or paragraph not in full text, but use colored pens, markers, quotations, tables, diagrams and sketches. This will turn a boring lecture into an exciting activity, make it easier to remember information and develop your creative thinking. Use the method of associations when memorizing, perceiving the text not literally, but through analogies. Well, for example, the name of the drug Erespal spend through the association of Eric slept (in lectures).
- Encourage yourself for success.
- The hardest part is getting started. Laziness does not allow to take the first step. Sometimes the task takes only 15 minutes, but you find a bunch of excuses not to start it. Understand that while you delay the start of work, you send negative emotions to the brain. As a result, in addition to wasting time, you get a bad mood, and the task will still have to perform
- Study well from the first day! Use extra study materials like those from StuDocu for detailed notes, books, summaries to help you excel in your exams. On the rise of novelty after the rest will appear mode and habit, which will help in the future.
- Do more in the classroom to do less at home.
- Arrange a competition. With parents, with friends. You can even argue.
- Plan your day. Clearly divide time for study and rest.
- Develop willpower. It will be useful not only in education