Test automation is considered as a popular trend in the IT industry. It plays an important role when it comes to the need to improve product efficiency. As a result, benchmarks are achieved faster and productivity improves. But, as you know, any technological process has both pros and cons. If we consider the field of software, testing is the coefficient of its success.
Flaky tests due to a changing product
A flaky test is a test that provides different results, such as a transfer or failure, even if there is no change in the source code or execution environment. Flaky tests also affect the quality of the code sent.
This method is based on bug reports. If bugs are detected (errors leading to program failures or incorrect operation), the information will be transmitted to the developers. After fixing the QA, the team will be able to test the program again. Such a team of highly-qualified specialists can be formed during a QA test course as it is an excellent way to get all the necessary skills for performing this process.
The job of a QA engineer is ideal for starting a career in the IT sphere. Specialists are engaged in testing software quality. Their work helps to identify errors at the development stage. It plays an important role in the development of the project.
Not enough time

If there is not enough time for a quality test, then first of all, it is necessary to determine which software functionality will be the most important for the implementation of a business project. These parts of the application should not be presented to users in an unfinished version. They should be the basis for the compilation of testing.
If the tests are already ready, then you need to choose from them specifically those that indicate critical scenarios.
To determine whether the program is working correctly before the scheduled testing, developers use smoke tests. They are represented by a set of tests covering the main functions of the application or the system as a whole. Smoke tests will help to identify various problems of a failed release which can lead to financial problems during the implementation of a business project.
Lack of internal skills

When implementing an automation system, you need to be prepared to face such a problem as lack of internal skills. It is important to keep in mind that many personnel training programs are aimed at general methods. They are not always focused on specifics. It is one of the reasons why staff training becomes ineffective.
If you plan to introduce a new software product, it is advisable to find an IT specialist who can train employees on specific tasks. A QA engineer should have the following characteristics:
- excellent communication skills;
- the ability to focus on the little things;
- the ability to feel responsibility and be focused;
- knowing when it’s appropriate to ask questions;
- the ability to work in a team.
A deep knowledge of testing methods and tools distinguishes a professional QA tester.
The product is poorly suited to automation

Automate method and manual support are often used in a complex. When choosing a research method, it is worth remembering that each project is individual. In some cases, there is no need for testing automation because not all products are suitable for it. And then manual testing remains the only correct method that should be used in the project. The examples when it is advisable to use manual testing are listed below:
- When the initial stage of development is carried out. Functionality at this stage is often subject to changes, and manual testing copes with it best. The QA engineer has responsibility for it.
- If we are talking about a short-term and relatively small project. As you know, the launch of automated testing will require a large amount of time and material costs. Automated testing most often cannot be implemented within a few days, unlike manual testing.
- When implementing exploratory and intuitive testing. These types depend primarily on human interaction with the product. The results of automation of these types of testing are inferior to manual.
In addition to all of the above, manual testing is more flexible when working with physical products. It is easier to adapt to specific project requests.
Unable to secure budget for efforts

An automated method requires significant material costs, especially at the initial stage. If the company’s budget is limited, then the specifics of the project should be reviewed and the cost of the software license should be taken into account. The introduction of automation can be even more expensive.
An attempt to run automation processes on outdated data will definitely not justify the investments made. Testing can show false results which are considered the most common mistakes in automation.
Moreover, do not forget that when implementing automated processes, a quick reaction of the tester is required. It allows more accurate data processing. The QA department should develop an analytical solution that will help improve productivity. Despite the fact that business owners will have large expenses at the initial stages, automation will definitely give positive results and will affect the efficiency of the project.
Some of the most common problems encountered when automating a product have been listed above. Study them carefully to avoid their appearance in the future.