Academic misconduct exists in various forms. Any volition or attempt to disturb the environment or etiquette of an educational institute is considered academic misconduct. Most academic misconducts have severe penalties set by the school or college; however, it is not just limited to that. Several other impacts on your personal and educational life; will also affect your future negatively.
If you land in trouble for academic misconduct, you must contact an academic appeal lawyer as soon as possible. Your lawyer will help you figure out how to write a practical appeal and make sure to reverse your dismissal. To know more about what impact academic misconduct can have on your life and how you can fix it visit today.
What is academic misconduct?

Academic misconduct is generally observed when a student attempts to gain or assists other in unfair educational practices. Academic misconduct can also be referred to as any action or attempted action performed to obtain results by creating an unfair academic advantage. For example, cheating during exams is among many educational institutes’ most common academic misconduct.
Academic dishonesty can be constituted as academic misconduct. It can occur when a teacher or student disregards the significance and values of academic integrity and protocols. Simply put, academic misconduct can be observed when a student gives or receives answers during an exam by using signals or copying without the other individual’s knowledge.
What are the types of academic misconduct?
Before being aware of the consequences of academic misconduct, one must know the types of misconduct. It can help them avoid such malpractices beforehand or better prepare them to face the consequences. Below are some common types of academic misconduct:
1. Unauthorized collaboration

Teachers or instructors require students to work with others in class or want them to work individually. During an assignment, the teacher may want to do work with others. On the contrary, when a student opposes the instructor’s decision and works differently, it can be considered an unauthorized collaboration concerning academic misconduct.
2. Aids during exams
A lot of times, students make use of unauthorized aids during an exam. A student is allowed to have only the items that will be needed to write the exam. Other belongings, such as a phone or computer, must be placed at the front of the room. If a student is caught using unauthorized aid, such as a cheat sheet or smartwatch, it will be considered cheating and academic misconduct.
3. Plagiarism

Plagiarism generally involves using another individual’s ideas, writings, or thoughts and claiming them as your own. When a student is found taking credit for someone else’s work without properly citing them, it can be termed plagiarism regarding academic misconduct.
Self-plagiarism can be termed as a type of academic misconduct. For example, self-plagiarism can be observed when a student is found submitting the same piece of work for more than one course or subject without the teacher’s permission or knowledge.
4. Obtaining term or exam papers before the exam
Academic misconduct also deals with students and teachers who obtain or provide term or exam papers. Exam papers and students who submit others’ work by paying for it are also considered misconduct. Teachers who are found leaking the documents to the students will also be held equally responsible.
5. Faculty intellectual property

When a student is found distributing or accessing faculty intellectual property without permission will be held responsible for academic misconduct. If the faculty has not given any consent for their intellectual property, severe action against the student performing the misconduct will be taken.
Tips to avoid academic misconduct:
1. Original resources

A student must always try accessing sources rather than copying authors from the text. If duplicate sources are accessed, the risk of students’ research being dismissed can rise significantly and give the board a chance to investigate such sources.
2. Paraphrasing
Paraphrasing must be done by a student in their own words unless quoting directly with the necessary parenthesis. It will help students make their work stand out and avoid plagiarism.
3. Previous work

Students tend to use that previous work for more than one course. Such instances can give rise to self-plagiarism. Students must avoid reproducing or representing the same work again.
4. Noting references
A student must note the references irrespective of making notes or copying online materials. Students must have a system that helps them identify their work taken from other sources. It can also help in avoiding plagiarism and further consequences of academic misconduct.
Consequences of being involved in academic misconduct
1. Social impacts

Any academic misconduct, like cheating, lying, or sabotaging, can harm a person’s social behavior. Such qualities do not imply a good character, and regularly practicing them can result in a damaged persona with ethical and moral issues. Some people might even lack morality in their character if they do not correct themselves with time.
For example, the person might lie or use unethical practices at the workplace, cheat on a family member, or any other aspect of their life. After some time, this will inhibit the person and become a part of them, harming themselves and others around them.
2. Losing intellectual property
Academic misconduct involving plagiarism is practically stealing someone else’s intellectual property and not giving them credit. For example, an essay, research papers, articles, etc. When someone uses another person’s intellectual property, the person who originally wrote it loses the credit and is not appreciated for their work.
Once someone steals another person’s original work, the person loses their intellectual property rights and permission, and in some cases, the person even loses their income.
3. Legal consequences

In some situations, the college or school authority involved students in an event or project that involved sponsors like business and governmental organizations. These companies to organizations offer students real-life work opportunities to better themselves. However, if the students end up using fraudulent means like cheating, lying, plagiarism, or sabotage, the firm that hired them can legally sue them.
Most significant or reputable firms have legally binding contracts which students might have to sign before joining them or starting working with them for a particular project. These contracts have all the rules and regulations that the student must follow or face legal consequences.