Lately, as in the past few years, the most current topic on which we receive information every day is cryptocurrencies. Although they have been present for almost ten years, they do not stop being in the center of attention. The question that is constantly asked, and the answer to which is sought by those who have made their investments in virtual money, is the question of whether there is a possibility for cryptocurrencies to replace paper money and coins?
This question has aroused the interest of many economic experts and they try to find the answer every day. But what is their opinion, whether virtual money will be able to completely replace the cash and discard it, and when we can expect this outcome, whether it will be in the near future or this scenario does not expect for some 5 to 10 years?
Many economic experts have given their opinion on this topic, and they answer that it is very likely that this scenario will become a reality, ie cryptocurrencies will throw the cash out of use. And when can we expect this turnaround? Although they can not give us an accurate forecast for this situation, they still say that this may soon become our reality.
But what made these experts believe that crypto is our future and that virtual money will completely replace cash? There are several reasons that initiate that our future will be exactly like this and that in a few years virtual money will be a basic tool that we can use when we buy or sell something.

Several large companies have welcomed the crypto
Over the years we have heard a lot of information that some companies have already approved the crypto and put it to use. So some companies that took the first steps and showed others that they should do the same ie encouraged them to take the same step. Elon Musk, for example, was one of the first to allow its customers to buy a Tesla car with cryptocurrencies. Many people were surprised by his move. Then Microsoft was also one of the companies that allowed its customers to buy products and services in exchange for crypto. It is enough for a few companies to take the first step and encourage others to do the same. So today we have the opportunity to buy food, clothes, services with a crypto wallet.
There are no intermediaries
As one of the biggest benefits we can enjoy from the use of cryptocurrencies in everyday transactions is exactly this. There are no intermediaries for cryptocurrencies to execute transactions. Unlike virtual money where there is no middleman, other transactions we make on a daily basis involve banks and other organizations that have the function of processing transactions made. By shortening the third party in the process of transferring funds, the whole process is facilitated for both the sender and the recipient.
Secure transaction
Many experts believe that the reason why cryptocurrencies will take over the future is precisely the fact that these transactions are totally safe for both parties involved in it. What does that mean? This means that transactions are encrypted with a code that can only be used by those involved who hold the key to that code. This makes cryptocurrency transactions completely safe to use, as it reduces the potential for you to be a victim of cybercrime or a scam. A secure encrypted transfer will only improve in the future and provide a better and faster way to transfer virtual money to users.

Because cryptocurrencies are decentralized, this means that governments and banks do not influence their functioning. Any policies and rules introduced in the monetary system will not have any impact on cryptocurrencies. This means that crypto is a free form of the monetary system, and this freedom is very important for its growth in the future it will not be able to be affected by some political or other events.
These are factors that can positively affect the further growth of cryptocurrencies. And as a factor that also had a huge impact on them is exactly the pandemic that was present for the last three years. You must be wondering how a pandemic caused an increase in interest in the virtual money? We are aware that the virus is easily transmitted, and as a way to protect ourselves from becoming infected we need to keep our distance from other people to reduce our chances of becoming infected.
However, despite our adherence to the measures, the virus was spreading too fast. Governments, in consultation with health organizations, have been forced to quarantine their citizens to reduce the spread of the disease and to protect the health of at-risk groups. So during the pandemic, it was appealed to practice digital operations, especially the financial sector was the one that had to adapt to this way of working. So thanks to pandemics and quarantines, many people have had the opportunity to learn more about cryptocurrencies and even invest in them while locked up in their homes.

Even I, who was not impressed by all the noise around cryptocurrencies, learned many useful things while I was at home, such as trading coins. And not just any coin, but I focused entirely on dogecoin. And if you are wondering where I learned everything I need to know about this coin, I gathered all the necessary information from one place. And that place is If you follow the link, you will also be able to learn something new and useful about this coin. From its history and its beginnings, to what software you can use to buy and sell dogecoin, ie to trade with it in the market. That’s why I highly recommend you click on the link and study the software, which is great to use for both beginners and those who already have some trading experience.
Having the opportunity to participate in the digital financial age is perhaps the best thing that can happen to us in the near future. All we have to do is follow the full development and witness how the world will adapt to the changes and how the institutions will adapt to the new trends.