How to Save on Student Housing in Sydney – 2024 Guide

Sydney is a top choice for students worldwide, but the city’s high cost of living can make finding affordable housing a challenge. In 2024, with rental prices still on the rise, it’s more important than ever for students to employ smart strategies to save on accommodation. Here’s a concise guide with practical tips to help you reduce housing costs while enjoying the full Sydney experience.

1. Choose Suburbs Over Central Locations

suburbs sydney

Living in the heart of Sydney may seem appealing, but it comes with a hefty price tag. Students can save significantly by opting for suburbs like Ashfield, Campsie, or Lakemba, where rent is more affordable. In that matter, there is a wide range of options for Sydney student accommodation.

These areas are well-connected by public transport, so you can still commute to your university without spending a fortune. The savings on rent alone can be substantial, leaving more room in your budget for other expenses.

2. Opt for Shared Accommodation

Sharing a house or apartment with other students is a reliable way to cut costs. By splitting rent, utilities, and other bills, you can reduce your living expenses. Many students in Sydney choose this option not only for financial reasons but also for the social benefits. Shared living arrangements often lead to lasting friendships and a support network, making your university experience more enjoyable.

3. Apply for On-Campus Housing Early

On-campus accommodation

On-campus accommodation is often more affordable than private rentals and comes with the added convenience of being close to your classes. Universities in Sydney offer various housing options for students, but availability is limited. Applying early increases your chances of securing a spot, which typically includes utilities and amenities, saving you additional costs.

4. Negotiate Rent and Look for Inclusions

Don’t be afraid to negotiate with landlords, especially if the property has been on the market for a while or you’re signing a longer lease. Some landlords are open to including utilities or internet in the rental price, which can further reduce your overall expenses. Negotiation is often overlooked but can result in significant savings over time.

5. Utilize Student Discounts and Resources

Sydney offers a wide range of discounts specifically for students. From cheaper public transport via the Student Opal card to discounts on groceries and entertainment, these savings can add up. Make sure to also check if your university has partnerships with local housing providers or offers financial support for students facing difficulties.

6. Consider Homestays or Co-ops

Homestays are a cost-effective option where you live with a local family, often including meals and utilities in the rent. Co-ops, where students manage the property and share responsibilities like cooking, are another affordable alternative. These options provide a more communal living experience while keeping costs low.

7. Use Online Platforms to Find Deals

find online student accommodation

Websites like,, and Facebook groups are excellent resources for finding affordable housing. Staying active on these platforms allows you to spot deals and subletting opportunities that fit your budget. Regularly checking listings increases your chances of finding a hidden gem that’s both convenient and affordable.

Last Words

By following these strategies, students can manage housing costs in Sydney without compromising on their living standards. Whether you opt for shared accommodation, take advantage of discounts, or explore less central suburbs, smart planning ensures a more affordable and stress-free experience in 2024.